First Retreat Then Surrender

It is nine minutes past nine and we have arrived late. In areas across the United Kingdom, a new nation is being constructed. Carved out from exploiting the very freedoms and values which underpin our way of life, only possible through the betrayal by Muslim block vote reliant politicians and a fake liberal metropolitan elite rewarded for their treason, vast territories have been covertly surrendered to those who want more than to lead parallel lives.

Raja Miah


With their loyalty already declared to their religion ahead of the land that gave them and their families a home and their medieval prejudices validated by those in positions of power, it now seems only a matter of time before their black banners freely fly across parts of our land.

Do not make the mistake of seeking signs of this new nation in the familiar spaces or through the familiar ways. You will not find any official borders. Indeed, the land they control is not confined to one single geographical place and rather is made from a patchwork of places scattered from across parts of our country that share common…



Raja Miah

Cities of Hope | Writer of Fiction | Passing interest in Counter Extremism | Still falling off motorcycles | Trying to be a father to Eve